Kim here… back from visiting with mom…
We had a fairly quiet day today. I was hoping to have seen her doctor when I was there but it never happened. I was told over the weekend that the doctors would be meeting today and we might hear something about her discharge plan. Keeping fingers crossed that they can share something about that tomorrow. I know we have to be patient, but we are all antsy to get her to rehab. Mom actually tried to tell me today that she wants to go outside! I don’t blame her.
Nothing really changed medically today. BP is still up a little so they are working with her meds to try and bring that down. I think she had a better night of sleep since she wasn’t forced to wear the CPAP. As long as her numbers are good and she’s sleeping, I’m happy.
The best news today was that she saw all 3 therapists today! She started out with speech. It wasn’t her usual therapist and mom didn’t seem super enthused about this new guy. He was fine, but he certainly isn’t “K”. She did work with him but unfortunately it’s still a no pass on that swallow test. Sorry, Mom. You’re stuck with the spongesicle for a bit longer.
Shortly after that, PT came in to help mom move from the bed to the recliner. She was a lot more alert and even tried talking to this therapist. She was one that mom hadn’t worked with before but I think she really liked her. She did tell the therapist her name when she was asked. Mom hung out in the chair for a couple of hours and then OT came in to help her move back to the bed. When it was time for her to get ready to stand up, the therapist positioned her right hand onto the side of the chair (that’s the side that works) and mom MOVED her left as if she was trying to put it on the other side! I didn’t see it but the tech did and that’s good enough for me! Mom did a great job getting back to the edge of the bed where she worked on her balance. She sat unassisted for a few seconds. This was the best session that she’s had so far.
When it was time for me to leave, I was standing by her bed saying my goodbyes. I saw her move her left arm! Slightly more than a twitch but I’ll take it! I know that she’s anxious to get moving and get out of the hospital. After her therapies today I asked her if she was OK and felt good working as much as she did. This was her response:
Rest up, Mom. I’ll be back tomorrow and I hope you’re ready for more!
Hello Sue,
I am delighted you are showing improvement. I will report this to your class tomorrow morning at the gym. You did not miss much being inside today. It was cold and rainy. By Wednesday it will be sunny and warm again.
I will pray for you again tonight. I am sleeping better now that you are making progress.
With love and warm wishes, Debbie
Mom says hello, we had a wedding Grim Ho’s son Mike getting married. Wedding and rainy. Mom misses you and asked everyday if I have heard any news.
Love you,