No News is Good News! – Thursday, September 28, 2017

My sister and I were talking about this the other day. Cyndie asks each day how mom is and for the most part, there isn’t a whole lot to report. Mom continues to do very well. She’s still having therapy almost every day. PT and OT twice a week and speech just once. She’s getting so much stronger. Helping her move from place to place is a lot easier than it was just a month ago.

Mom does have a sleep study scheduled for next week. That will be interesting. It’s possible that undiagnosed sleep apnea contributed to the Afib which probably lead to the stroke. I’m telling you, sleep apnea is no joke! I had teased mom that she’d be going away to a sleepover for the night. Well, joke’s on me. I have to accompany her and stay the whole time. Since the people working in the sleep center are techs and not nurses, they need a caregiver there in case she needs anything. I have a feeling she’ll be sleeping much better than I will that night.

Unfortunately we haven’t made it out very much. Mostly doctor visits, and a couple of trips to Walmart. We have also made it out to church a few times. We actually went last night! Between my schedule, her schedule, working around meal times and her rest time, it’s been a little difficult to schedule such things. Since we have someone coming to help in the first part of the day I try to use that time to work as much as possible. By the time the caregiver leaves she is usually ready for a nap. When it’s time for her to get up it’s almost time to start prepping for dinner. We need to find our sweet spot. Actually, tomorrow we’ll be having a decent field trip. Not anything super fun though. We’re headed back to Frederick, MD to drop off the van to get some work done. We’re having a “Q Lock” installed so that all I’ll need to do is push her chair(s) into it and it’ll lock in place. No more ratchety restraints to keep her from going anywhere. It will be a long day for her but I’m sure she’ll do great. We’ll be getting back just in time for her to have one last therapy session for the week and then a couple of days off.

She is especially tired this morning so we’re letting her rest a little longer than usual. There have been some medication changes and that could be part of it. She also had a lot of leg pain yesterday. She’s been working really hard and doing her exercises every chance she gets. I think between those nerves coming back to life and muscles getting worked that she hasn’t been able to even move before. In order to help her sleep more comfortably she wanted a pain pill. She doesn’t take them very often so I think it must affect her more than one might think. So we’re letting her sleep for a little longer. It’s a little awkward between the caregiver and I, as sweet as she is. Not much for her to do right now and I don’t think she wants to just sit and relax. She’s at the ready waiting for mom to be ready to want some help. Mom deserves to rest as long as she’d like. It’s really rare that she says she isn’t ready to get up. Hopefully this little bit of extra rest will make her feel a lot better.