Happy Belated Thanksgiving! – Tuesday, November 28, 2017

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Ours was nice and quiet. Cyndie and Wade made it down and were with us for a couple of days. The trip was much too short! But mom really enjoyed having them here – we all did. Her friend, H, from her old ‘hood came over one afternoon and even brought Nicky! Nicky is H’s lovable lab who used to walk with mom a lot. He really misses their time together. It was pretty obvious when he was here how much he loves mom.

Mom is still on the mend and has only recently gotten back to walking with the therapist. She’s still not as mobile as she was a few weeks ago. Part of it is due to the muscle issue and needing to rebuild her strength after that little setback. She’s also not been wearing her brace since it needs to be adjusted. We can’t get in until Dec 5. So frustrating!! This past week she has been dealing with a lot of dizziness. Not all the time, pretty much just with a change in head position. The doctor did see some fluid in her ears so she’s taking some medicine to hopefully dry that up. The bummer is that it could take up to two weeks. Every once in awhile she says it’s not as bad, but I think she just *wants* it to be not as bad.

It has definitely been a rough few weeks. Dealing with the leg pain, dizziness, weakness, and lack of progress has been taking its toll on her. I can tell that she is really trying not to get discouraged. But I understand how frustrating it is. Thankfully we have a couple of caregivers that she likes that are here during the week to help. It’s nice that there is someone here to keep her company. We really appreciate the cards that she has gotten. It’s definitely a bright spot in her day. I think she’s still a little self-conscious about her speech and it does tire her out so she doesn’t actively seek out people to talk with on the phone. Her friend, R, is planning on visiting with her tomorrow and I know mom is looking forward to it.

Please keep her in your prayers. She’s still working hard to get past this hurdle. Some of you know how impatient she can be!