Slow Going – Monday, April 16, 2018

I’m so thankful that Cyndie was able to be here to help care for mom. She got in Wednesday afternoon – the same day that we left. She left Sunday afternoon and we didn’t get home until 1AM this morning. Thankfully we’ll be able to see each other this weekend when she comes back down though! Hopefully mom will be feeling a lot better by then as well.

Mom moved into the rehab facility late Thursday afternoon. Cyndie took care of everything and made sure that mom got settled. She met her therapists on Friday or Saturday but hasn’t been able to work with them everyday. I was told today that she should be seeing PT and OT 6 times a week and Speech 5 times a week. But it really depends on how much she can tolerate. She’s been very tired and I think is finally at a point where she can try to relax a bit and just needs to catch up on sleep. I think the scariness of the fall, subsequent health issues that crept up, and being in a different place really amped up her anxiety and restlessness. Cyndie said that everyone at this facility has been great. Very supportive and encouraging and has reassured Cyndie that everything we are seeing in mom is completely normal.

I am really hoping that things will start to fall into place by the end of the week and she’ll start to regain some energy and start to feel a bit more like herself. She’s dealing with quite a bit of pain from her surgery. She also has not been out of bed much so weight bearing even on her good leg is very difficult. At this point she is doing very little by herself. I am hoping that by seeing therapists almost everyday some of that muscle memory will kick in and she can start making some progress once the pain becomes more manageable.

She’s already had a visitor – two actually!! H brought her trusty sidekick out for a visit as well. He and mom were walking buddies and I know how much she loves seeing him as well. Luckily the day that they came out was nice so they were able to spend some time in the fresh air.

It’s too early to tell what her treatment plan will be, other than she’s to rest as much as she can, get stronger, and work hard with her therapists! I think these next couple of weeks may be a little bumpy as she gets settled into her new routine but I feel very good about this facility. Her vitals have been really good so it’s a matter of strengthening up!