Long Overdue Update – Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Wow – can’t believe it’s been so long since the last update! Life has been a bit crazy on my end… All good, just very hectic!

I’ve been able to see mom just about everyday with the exception of race day (Samantha is on the crew team for her HS). She’s continuing to do well. I think she gets pretty bored there – she has yet to participate in any activities, however she is working hard in her therapy sessions.

I believe as of today she’s officially released from her speech therapy sessions. She hasn’t had any issues with eating, drinking, or memory and some even say that they are understanding her speech better!

Mom has been doing more standing in PT. Our focus is on getting her to be able to stand and pivot more easily. As soon as she’s able to do that with minimal assistance (really just someone guiding her in the pivot), she’ll be allowed back into Morningside. I found out the other day that she wheeled herself down the hall toward the dining room! I’m not sure if she made it all the way there since it’s a good distance, but she apparently is working on that when she has enough energy. Her CNA is amazing and encourages her to do as much as she can and actually gets angry with the others who don’t encourage her to get up. Mom was so active – she really needs to have someone there to keep her on her toes and not find an excuse to be lazy. She needs to be out of that bed as much as possible.

At this point we really don’t have a clear picture on when she’ll be discharged from Heritage, but I’m not in a rush. I want her to get as strong as possible since I know that in the long run that is what will be best for her. If I don’t post for awhile, just remember that “no news is good news”. We do appreciate the cards and messages – I make sure to pass those on when I see her.