Discharge Scheduled for Tomorrow – Monday, September 24, 2018

Mom is sounding and looking a lot better. She had another chest x-ray and it has improved slightly. She’s well enough that they are planning on discharging her in the morning.

Cyndie and I met with hospice again today. Once she’s back at Morningside, she will officially be under hospice care. Mom seems to understand what that means – including that it does NOT mean that she’s gonna go tomorrow. It’s really just another level of care to supplement what she’s currently getting. Their primary focus is her comfort and doing what’s in her best interest. For example, if she falls again, it actually might NOT be in her best interest to call 911 and send her to the ER. The hospice team can actually help our case in requesting that she not be sent out. Her last two visits prior to this one I wish she had not gone. But procedure is procedure… However, if she falls and needs stitches, or she has an infection and needs more attention than what she can get at Morningside, she absolutely can get treatment. There is a misconception that hospice is only about giving morphine until the person passes away. It’s really so much more than that. Cyndie and I are feeling a lot more at ease now that we have spoken to them. Hopefully mom does too, although the realization that she’ll be headed off to greener pastures soon is difficult to think about – for all of us. Even though none of us can say when “soon” is…

She’s getting another visit today from H, which really means so much. Mom doesn’t speak much so it’s nice when she perks up at the mention of H’s name and that she’s getting a visit. There’s really very little that she has to look forward to anymore so having someone come visit regularly (that isn’t me or Cyndie) is very special to her.

Hopefully her transfer back to Morningside in the morning will be uneventful and relatively easy. I think that once she’s able to get a nice shower and put on some of her own clothes she will be a lot more comfortable.