Day 3 – Big Steps Forward – Saturday, April 8

~7:15AM – Kim and I both got up and texted. Sue slept most of the night, but had bouts of flailing and needed to have her hand held. Sue was not very responsive, but Kim was hoping that it was the meds. Sue was very out of it and lethargic.

~8:30AM – The doctors started Sue’s breathing test. She still had the tube in, but she was breathing on her own.

~9:00AM – C came to visit Kim and keep her company while she sat with Sue.

~9:46AM – Sue had her neuro exam. It was about the same as before.

~11:30AM – The tube is out! Sue got extubated and was breathing on her own. Difficult, but she was doing it.

~12:00PM – The rest of us arrived. Second day of arriving very late in the day, but we are all still trying to adjust to the new schedule.

~11:00PM – Again, Kim stayed with Sue and the rest of us left to head home.

