It’s been a little crazy lately with the end of the year and Christmas quickly approaching. Mom had a couple of visitors over the last couple of weeks. R stopped in last week and had a nice visit with mom. H has really been helping to get mom in the Christmas spirit. They have been making Christmas ornaments! I have the ones that mom made last year at Sunrise on my tree at the house. They are pretty big and not that sturdy, so I think it’s best they stay here. The ones that mom made with H are on the tree we put in her room last week and they are the perfect addition!
She was slowly getting more energy from the last time I posted (not sure what that was all about). I decorated her room last week with things that were from her house. I am sure it was nice to have some familiar decorations in her apartment. She was pretty engaging that day. I asked her where she got certain things and where they should go. For the most part she let me put them where I saw fit but she was definitely supervising. She’s still the “General”.
The Christmas decorations really seemed to perk her up. I took a great picture of her and wanted to upload here, but this site did an upgrade and now I can’t upload any photos. GRRRR… I will keep working on it and try to get something posted so you can see her beautiful face.
I’ll be stopping in tomorrow to drop off her cards. Thank you for sending them!! It’s so nice that she is thought of, especially during this time of year.
** The “What Can I Do?” page has been updated!
Praying for Sue and your family!!!
Merry Christmas from Hawaii