Hard Work in the Heat – Monday, July 24 2017

Yesterday was a really great day. Although Sundays are usually her therapy free days, she had off on Saturday and had occupational and speech therapies yesterday. During speech therapy she had a few sips of water and she did really well. Just a few coughs.  While she is not yet cleared for drinking water on her own just yet, I know that is just around the corner. I remember during the first couple of months she would often say, “I just want a sip of water.” It was always so hard to tell her no. Water seems like such a simple thing and knowing you’re telling your own parent they are not allowed to have it is a hard pill to take. So it pleases me so much that she can satiate her thirst with the speech therapist and after she brushes her teeth. She wants to try hot tea today so I’m really hoping she’ll be able to do that soon, too.

She also had five visitors yesterday! R came for the afternoon (as always, more giggling ensued) and then the other four, E, Y, M and M’s mom came later in the day. My mom had a great t-shirt on that reads, “I don’t sweat, I sparkle.” The four visitors commented on how much they liked her shirt and she immediately quipped, “I don’t sweat, I stay cold.” We all laughed. M’s mom wasn’t feeling well and had to have a lie down on the couch in the hall. Mom was so concerned with her that she had me wheel her out so she could check on her. She’s always concerned with everyone else despite everything.

After dinner we watched another Lifetime movie. We’ve been doing that these last few evenings – she pats the bed for me to cozy up next to her and then I commentate on the female slasher movie of the day. We both get super sucked into them. Ha

This morning she had a very early occupational therapy session and I arrived when she was in the middle of her physical therapy. She walked a total of 41 feet and I noticed she’s lifting her left foot for a step even higher than last week! She said she can’t wait for Kim to come back so she can see the improvements she’s made while she was gone 🙂

We just got back from speech therapy with K and she did very well – she had hot tea! Not only did she have hot tea but she had hot tea she outside in almost 90 degree heat WITH a sweatshirt on. Hot tea basically is water so it was a more challenging one and she only had a few coughs. And K said she is very close to being cleared for thin liquids!

Now she’s resting a little bit before dinner. Today flew by. She’s a bit tired now after her three therapies today so I’m pretty sure she will have a great night’s sleep tonight. Today goes in the win column!