Today is Wednesday, April 12. On Saturday, April 8, I started a written journal of events to try to capture as much of the situation as possible as the days passed. After two days of intermittent writing, I didn’t even make it through the first day’s events. Clearly writing was not going to be the answer.
On Monday, April 10, I started capturing notes on my computer. I did this off and on over the next day, trying to stay current as well as fill in the gaps of what happened (that I could remember).
In the midst of all of this have been a steady stream of friends and family that have called and stopped by looking for updates and information on Sue’s status and progress. Therefore, today I started this blog in order to keep notes as well as keep people updated.
Since I am so far behind, I am creating several blogs to cover all of the missed days and will fill them in as we continue to move forward as well. So, in theory, there should be a couple of static blogs each day up to now, and then sporadic posts from this moment on as there are updates.
Thank you for reading and thank you for your concern for Sue’s recovery!