Day 2 – Signs of Progress – Friday, April 7

~3:00AM – Kim texted and let me know that they took her in for an MRI to check on everything. It was nothing major, and apparently it is common for them to do this in the middle of the night because that is when the machines are free from daily patients.

~7:00AM – Largely there was no change from yesterday. Her gag reflex is not strong enough to protect her airway and she still has substantial swelling, so they decided not to extubate. Sue had a slight fever and said that she had a headache. She was also trying really hard to communicate, but was not having much luck.

~9:15AM – They are testing things out to see how she does. At this point, her vent tube is not providing oxygen, but the tube is still in. If she does well, they might take it out. It may have to go back in, but they will at least give her the chance.

~11:00AM – R stopped in to visit. She caught up with Kim. The rest of us still had not arrived. Cyndie and Wade were exhausted and still sleeping.

~12:00PM – Sue had an EKG done, and the results were fine. The results from the MRI also came back. There was swelling in the brain as well as some minor bleeding, but that is considered normal due to the injury.

~1:00 – Sue was starving, but couldn’t eat yet. They were pushing it off to see if they could extubate. It turned out that her throat was still too swollen, so they couldn’t. They said that they had to wait a day or two.

~2:00PM – R left shortly before we arrived. H stopped in a little later.

~3:30PM – Kim had been in the hospital for two days straight at this point, so I took her over to the Extended Stay America just down the block to grab a shower. All they had available was a smoking room which was absolutely disgusting, but $100 later and Kim was freshly showered, rejuvenated, and headed back to the hospital.

~10:30PM – Everyone but Kim headed back to the house. Kim maintained her vigil with Sue.

