Cyndie Lou here. I’ll be with my mom and contributing to the blog for the next week while Kim, Chad…
I think mom knows that it’s not going to be very long before she’s going to be living with us,…
Mom is having a nice low-key rest day, although I did make her do a little bit of work today.…
Today was an amazing day. I arrived in time to see mom finish up her walking. Today’s total? DRUM ROLL,…
32 feet today!! She’s resting now. Another good day. It’s too bad that those that used to come around in…
Saturday was the start of another quiet weekend. I know I’ve mentioned a million times that weekends can seem so…
The meeting actually took place yesterday, but I was too tired to do the update. Overall, mom is doing great.…
Mom had a great weekend visiting with Cyndie who came down to spend time with her. Lots of laughing, a…
Today was a very interesting day. Mom continues to progress with her eating and getting to try new foods and…
Guess who started walking today?!?! YES! Actual steps!! She has been working on sit to stand in the parallel bars…