Settling in Quite Well! – Thursday, March 22, 2018

I didn’t get a chance to visit with mom yesterday due to the weather but I did head up to see her this afternoon. Although I have spoken with her a couple of times it was nice to actually see her face and have her tell me how she’s doing. She looks really happy and seems to be enjoying Morningside so far! She’s met a couple of people and has started participating in some of the activities. I am REALLY happy to say that she has given a favorable report on the meals there. I know that’s very important to her.

Although things haven’t been 100% perfect there, she has been very patient with her caregivers and is getting better about using her words to tell them what she needs (or in some cases, tell them where to find things or how to do something). I did meet her primary caregivers this afternoon when I was there and they both seem very sweet. Mom did agree with me when I said I feel like the people who are working there are there because they WANT to be, not because they need to be. I think that makes such a big difference.

I think another big difference about this place is that mom really seems to like her apartment. It truly is more of an independent lifestyle than what she gets here at home with me. I watch everything that she does and I know she hates it. She can get away with a lot more there since there aren’t enough caregivers to sit and babysit her all the time. I am sure that makes her happy – that she doesn’t have her daughter questioning her every move…

When it was time for me to go, I dropped her off on another floor where they were having a HAPPY HOUR!! By the time we got there I would say that there were about 10 people there. Everyone was super friendly and they made a space for her at one of the tables. Tomorrow afternoon they are having a man come and play guitar and sing. I wish I could be there for that. I looked at the schedule and recognized the name of the man coming – it’s my friend’s husband!! He’s a very talented musician and I know everyone will love listening to him. I’m not sure how often he’s there but maybe I’ll be able to catch one of his shows in the future. I reached out to my friend to tell her that mom is there and if he sees her there, to please not sing “You Are My Sunshine” since that always pushes her over the edge. Hopefully he will comply. ๐Ÿ™‚

I know that she’s spoken with a couple of her friends to let them know where she is. She’s definitely open to having visitors! Just don’t be surprised if she’s not in her room. I think this little social butterfly might finally be coming out of her cocoon.

1 thought on “Settling in Quite Well! – Thursday, March 22, 2018”

  1. That is so wonderful!! ๐Ÿ’– Iโ€™m glad that sheโ€™s enjoying more independence and is in a stimulating environment!

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