Welp. She’s at it again… No, she didn’t break her hip again. This time only her big toe. Normally this might be a big deal, but for her of course it is. Being that it’s a big toe it can’t or shouldn’t be “buddy taped” anyway so that means a trip to the ortho to talk about a cast. On one hand, maybe they can make a strong walking cast and she’ll actually be able to walk better with it than she has been with her AFO. On the other hand (which is how I’m leaning), she’ll end up putting no weight on it, will stay in her wheelchair, do very little therapy, and will continue to weaken. Since she left Heritage I have already seen a huge decline physically – I still actually blame that on the med change.
Regardless, this is where we are now… She insists that she wasn’t doing anything wrong and that it “just happened”. She said that she definitely was not trying to get out of bed because she knows how much trouble she’ll be in. She was just sitting on the side of the bed. Which if you think about it, is still a huge no-no. I told her that she should not be putting her legs off the side of the bed. Because why?? Because she could take a header and injure herself! It’s to the point now where I can choose to spell out literally everything she can and can’t do. Don’t bend over. Don’t sit on the edge of anything by yourself. Don’t reach for anything. Make sure you lock your chair…. What kind of life is that? For either side?? Or I can just wait and see what happens. Sadly, this is where I am today. It doesn’t matter how many times or how often we cry, beg, and plead with her to be safe. She does what she’s going to do. Even something as innocent as sitting on the side of her bed is very dangerous.
I’m waiting to see if she’s able to get in to see her ortho to check out her foot. Too bad she couldn’t wait another week to do this – we already have an appointment scheduled on the 16th with the same guy for her hip follow up.
I’ll post an update. Hopefully nothing else until her doctor’s appointment but even I can’t put money on that…