The day that we’ve been waiting for is *almost* here! One more night’s sleep and a couple more meals and mom will be in her new home.
Are the projects all finished? Nope. Days away. Is the house clean? Not even remotely. Do we have furniture for her? Just a bed. Thankful for that. A dresser can wait. Food in the house? Well, I have her thickened juices – the rest I can get later. Still a lot to do. Are we ready for her to be here? HELL YES!
The social worker stopped by the room today and actually told us that she could stay until Sunday. I did consider that due to the reasons listed above but know that is really unfair to my mom when she’s literally been counting the days and nights until she gets sprung. I warned her about the state of the house, but she doesn’t care. It will be a relief to have her here and be able to tend to things in one place.
I still need to decide on a new primary care doctor. So far I have only heard from the new speech therapist. Still waiting to hear from the nurse, OT, PT, and someone to schedule an aide visit. It’ll happen. I actually don’t mind that not everything is jam-packed. I want mom to have some time to get used to being here. I think that may take a little bit of time but it’s a change we’re all happy for.
So one more night there and a couple of meals (we’re leave after lunch), she’ll be in her new abode. Cyndie and Wade will be here to join in the fun on Sunday. We’ll be celebrating a few birthdays in addition to mom’s homecoming. It’s going to be a great week!