UPDATE – 5:00pm
Caregiver is scheduled to start on Thursday. Hopefully that will make a big difference. Mom got back to the facility and told them there that the Doctor was lying about her outburst (and some other stuff). She seemed pretty calm when she got back so really not sure what to say about that… Cyndie is going to call her later and I’m going to check on her tomorrow afternoon (probably not making it by though). The good news is that she’s going to resume the meds that she was on (original dose). I still don’t think that the doctor has any idea that she had any part of this…
Mom has been quite the handful lately. She’s been pretty bad for the last few weeks she’s just really reached a new level. She hasn’t been allowed to stay alone during the day – she acts out and that’s when she tends to try and get up. They are keeping her busy by taking her to every activity but when there isn’t one she’s has to either sit in the lobby with the receptionist or in the office with the Wellness Director. Of course she says that they are keeping her hostage and everyone is out to get her.
Today was her appointment with the psychiatrist. I was hoping that we could get to the bottom of this med change. Early into the visit mom started screaming and yelling. Not sure what was going on with her (I couldn’t go – I got a call telling me what’s happening). The psych (who I blame for her big mental shift last month) says that she needs to be seen by her primary doctor ASAP. She is with an aide – the psych should know that if it’s that serious she needs to just be taken to the hospital – they can call 911. I guess Mom was yelling at them that she wants me to come and get her out of there. Not sure what I can do for her.
It seems to me like that doctor just can’t handle her. I told the Wellness Director to have her brought back to the facility and have her assessed there. The NP and her primary doctor actually come to the facility so hopefully they can be by later to check her out. If it’s an emergency, to the ER again she will go.
I saw her yesterday and explained to her that we are bringing in a private CNA to sit with her during the day, every day. This way she has constant care and she doesn’t have to wait for anything. I don’t know if this is going to make a difference, but it’s one more thing to try before she goes to a long-term facility.
I’ll keep you posted with any new updates. But in the meantime, prayers would be much appreciated.